Guarded Page 14
“Better than the claws, right?”
Huh? I have no idea what he’s talking about, but I don’t want him to stop.
“Better,” I agree, bucking harder. An orgasm builds between my thighs, all the way up to my hair follicles. I’m not going to last much longer, but I want… “Kiss me,” I manage to gasp between Azan’s frenzied finger thrusts. His nostrils flare. “Kiss me, Azan. Please. I need… you… to… kiss me.”
His head lowers and a capped fang brushes against my cheek. I don’t care about the danger. I need this man’s mouth on mine. I need it more than anything I’ve ever wanted in my life.
“Kiss me, Azan,” I wail, crying out as I reach my climax. “Please—” His lips land on mine. “Fuck!” I gasp when he lets my mouth free, and the orgasm explodes through my body as he pulls his face away, but not his fingers, still pumping lazily inside of me. “Oh… oh God,” I breath, surprised my orgasm is still coming like it’s not ready to end. It feels good, all too fucking good, and I manage to seize Azan’s neck and pull his mouth back to mine before he can escape. I want to hold him. I need to hold him.
He keeps working his fingers, deeper and harder, and it only takes a few more lazy thrusts before I hiss loudly and jerk as another orgasm hits me.
“Damn!” I scream, falling back against the blankets, my entire body contorting with aftershocks. Only then does Azan remove his fingers, looking entirely too proud of himself.
Men. They’re the same no matter where you go in the galaxy, I guess.
I lean back, hardly surprised when Azan holds up his finger and it’s coated in my juices.
I shake my head, trying not to laugh.
He dips the glistening finger into his mouth, sucking greedily as though he can’t get enough. The sound alone should be enough to freak me out, but it’s so fucking sexy to watch him lap up my juice like it’s the finest of champagnes, that I can’t move to stop him. I’m still recovering from two incredibly powerful orgasms, so I watch him with a smirk.
My eyes drop down to his dick, still throbbing and unfulfilled. Some of the scales have flared, exposing the pale skin beneath. “Do you want me to take care of that?” I wet my lips as I take in his cock with hungry eyes.
He turns, surprise written all over his beautiful features, and once I’m able to sit up again, I stroke his length a few times, simply to feel the scales against my fingertips. The scales remind me of sage leaves, soft and velvety, and the familiar scent of clary sage radiating from the tip of his dick is all too fitting. He gasps in surprise, more delicious pre-cum dripping, and making me smile.
“I could lose control.” Azan rests his hand over mine. “You do not have to feel as though you owe me anything. I am happy to give you pleasure and take care of my own.”
I’m bowled over by this. “Huh? Take care of yourself? When I’m right here and ready?”
“York,” he manages, already starting to move my hand away. I remain firm and seize his entire dick… uh… sort of. Did I mention Sidyths rock cocks the size of roadblocks? “You do not…”
“Azan, I want to. Let me do this.”
He slowly starts to remove his hand, still watching me carefully.
“I can get my mask…”
“If that makes you feel better,” I say huskily, still touching his dick and grabbing his mask for him. He straps it on, and his shoulders relax.
One day I’ll get him to feel comfortable enough that he doesn’t need to wear the damn thing with me, but for now, I want to pleasure him since he’s given me so much already, under the assumption I’ll never give him anything back. Sidyth women are bitches. They don’t know what they’re missing with this sweet, sexy, beautiful, intelligent alien.
I can make him happier than any Sidyth women could.
He’ll never want anyone but me, and even if he does get the chance to return home, he’ll sooner fucking die than leave me because no one will ever love him as much as I do.
“Can you lay on your back for me?” I say, almost using the purr I use for clientele, but quickly remember Azan isn’t a client. He’s mine. “It’ll help keep your fangs out of the way if that’s something you’re worried about.” It’s not completely untrue, but it seems to satisfy Azan as he slowly lies back against the floor, head closest to the mouth of the cave. “Stay still.” I go to mount him, surprised at how big he truly is beneath me.
His dick hits me in the ass as I stare down at him, and I’ve never seen such a heated gaze before. Immediately, I’m dripping wet again, and I hear the all too familiar sound of him lapping my scent from underneath his mask.
“You’re naughty, Azan. Tasting me when I’m supposed to be pleasuring you.”
“I cannot help it,” he gasps, as I slide farther back on his body, almost touching my opening to his erect dick.
I grip his rock-hard thighs, so I have something to keep my balance, and start to tease his dick with my pussy, never quite allowing it inside but dragging up and down the massive length. There’re scales across the entire thing, and though that’s different, it’s no less hot because I get to see the look of raw lust and ecstasy as I shower Azan with attention. He tightly grabs my hips, and I turn feral.
“No touching,” I purr. “Let me do the work this time.”
“Stars… moons,” he breaths, leaning back again, as I perch myself behind his dick and stare down at him. I lower my head and test to see how much of him I can take in my mouth, surprised at how big his crown is. Thank God for Academy Training. I lower my lips, trying to reach all the way down to his sack, but there’s too much of him to take all at once. Still, peeking an eye open, Azan’s fisting the blanket, sure as shit not looking too disappointed. I suck on him gently, enjoying the throaty gasps of my name and the stars and moons.
“York. You don’t… you don’t have to—”
“Oh, but I do.” I lap up more pre-cum off his glistening tip. He tastes like sage and cinnamon. “I have to do this because I want to make you know I’ve Chosen you.”
“You don’t have to.”
He’s barely able to keep his composure as I suck harder, trying to take him more and more deeply. I’m always up for a challenge, and if sucking a big dick is on the schedule today, well then sign me up. I suck harder, and Azan groans, and before I have a chance to respond, chilled seed shoots into my mouth, and I swallow, surprised by the taste. It’s sweet, not like human spunk, and for the first time, I don’t mind that a guy came into my mouth without warning. I wouldn’t be surprised if this is the first time Azan got his cock sucked, and I’m honored to be the first.
And hopefully the last.
“Too soon,” Azan gasped. “I’m sorry—”
“Don’t you dare apologize,” I snap, laying on his hard stomach. “Your seed is fucking delicious.”
“My seed?”
I can’t help laughing. He sounds so scandalized. “Yup. You taste like Christmas trees, oranges, and that sweet, pink bread.” I giggle. “I guess what you guys eat passes more into your spunk than human’s.”
“My spunk?”
I giggle again. I hope he doesn’t take it personally, but to tease him a bit more, I suck on my fingers like I’ve eaten fifty of the best chicken wings during a college bowl game. “You taste incredible.” To explain myself further, I dip my pinky against the tip of his cock and take another taste.
“Fuck… fuck me,” he chokes out, sounding so much like a human that I smile.
He’s seven feet tall. He’s terrifying. He’s dangerous. Poisonous. Exiled. Unloved by most.
He’s also vulnerable, sweet, and so damn innocent.
I’ve never met anyone like him and feeling pleased with myself, I roll off his firm stomach and stare up at him as he looks at his cock like he’s seen it for the first time.
“Do all humans feel comfortable doing that?” he gasps.
“What? Never had a blow job before?”
He shakes his
head hard. “No. No woman has ever taken my cock between their lips. I had no idea such a thing was possible. I did not believe Korben.”
“You’ve got a lot to learn.”
“Will you teach me?” He pulls me closer to his chest. His dick’s already hard again.
I pretend to hum, deep in thought. “I don’t know. Teach a scary Sidyth about pleasure by sucking his dick? Sounds like a pretty difficult road ahead for me.”
“If you are not comfortable—”
“Azan, I’m totally kidding.” I’m giggling as I take his dick into my hand again. He gasps out, but there’s less innocence in his eyes this time. Now it’s more of a hunger. “Believe me, teaching you about pleasure is one of the best things I’ve ever heard in my life.” I lazily stroke the length of his cock to watch the look on his face and the desire in his eyes. “I’ll teach you more about blow jobs; that’s me taking your cock in my mouth again.” He stiffens, his dick thickening in my grasp. “I can teach you about going down on me when you’re more comfortable.”
“Going down on you?”
“Oh yeah.” My eyes flicker down to between my legs.
“My mouth? On your pussy?”
“I think we’ve already figured out how amazing you are with your fingers,” I tease.
“That will never happen.”
“We’ll see,” I say, starting to smile again, but Azan grabs my hand around his dick and squeezes it surprisingly hard.
“That will never happen,” he says again. “I will never risk hurting you. You are everything to me.”
I release my hand once he releases mine, not wanting to push him too far.
“Maybe we should go to sleep before this turns into an argument,” I say softly. “It’s been a busy night.”
“And a delightful one.” He follows my lead, lays back on his side, and opens his thick arm, exposing his chest to me.
I’m still worried Azan will never be able to completely open up to me, with the gnawing fear he’ll kill me. But I love the feel of his skin against mine, combined with the sound and scent of rain. He squeezes me more tightly.
“If I fall asleep before you, you can move to the other side,” he whispers. “I do not ever want to risk hurting you.”
I don’t answer.
I’m not going anywhere.
I’m hardly surprised by the next morning; Azan’s moved to the other side of the makeshift bed. I don’t mind as much as I thought I would. I’m happy about the progress we made last night, and it’s still raining so we’ll be alone for a little while longer. There’s a part of me that never wants to go back. I love when it’s only us. I love the confidence brewing inside of Azan, and I’m so afraid when he’s around his brothers that he’s going to lose everything we’ve built the past few hours. He may be big, but he’s also fragile. The wrong words tossed in his direction could damage him for days.
Or forever.
“We could stay here.” I pull on my skirt and top later that morning when Azan’s awake and tugging on his shorts, hiding his cock from sight. Shame. “We could stay a few more hours. Or days. Whatever.”
Azan shakes his head. “I must go back and make sure Prince Korben is okay.”
“He’s a full-grown man,” I pout. “I’m sure he’s going to be alright.”
There’s another shake of his head as he bunches up the blankets and tosses them into the corner. “No, I must go back. I owe Prince Korben everything. At night he is busy with his Chosen, but he is around others during the day. Nothing is safe.”
“Why wouldn’t it be safe?” I cock my hip out to the side. “You’re all together and—”
“No,” Azan hisses, surprising me. “We’re not all together, and it’s not safe.”
My eyes widen. Not all together? Does this mean there are more Sidyths…
“We need to get back,” Azan says in a louder voice. “Do you need me to carry you?”
I stumble away a few inches. “No. No, I don’t need you to carry me. I’m not helpless.”
“I know you’re not helpless, but I’d like to get back quickly.”
I don’t understand what the rush is, or rather, I do, and I don’t like it. Alaska and Kansas may be babies for Arizona but I had no idea Azan was so dedicated to Prince Korben. “Azan, you don’t need to run back to him. I’m sure he can handle himself.”
“I’m assuming you don’t understand what I’m talking about due to your line of work, but I have a responsibility and duty to make sure Prince Korben is safe at all times.” He thrusts his hand out towards mine, but I flinch away, no longer caring about hurting his feelings.
Because he’s hurt mine. My line of work.
This has kind of all struck me at once. He’s never mentioned Korben before.
Or has he?
I can’t remember.
“Go ahead. I’ll follow.” I’m annoyed and hurt beyond words. My line of work.
And Azan? He’s conveniently fallen silent. I wonder if he cares how much his words stung me. Since arriving on Hethdiss, for the first time in many years, I didn’t feel like a Human Whore. I felt like there was a chance for happiness with an alien. Something new. Something different. But the words Azan’s said to me. The way he doesn’t defend them or further explain, couldn’t be more familiar. And though I know he said them in haste, it doesn’t make them hurt any less because it’s not the words themselves that’s it.
It’s that the words were said by him.
York is upset with me. I am not so clueless that I do not understand her anger, but she must understand I owe my life to Prince Korben and forever pledged to protect his with my own. I have Chosen York, but I am also assigned to protect my Prince no matter what. Of course, York cannot understand because she does not understand my relationship with him, despite my attempts to tell her several times. I do not like to speak over her, so I have let it pass, but I am also upset that she acts so surprised by my dedication to Prince Korben. I am at fault as much as she is, so I cannot be too upset while she walks a few steps behind me, arms crossed defensively over her breasts.
I know something I said out of anger has upset her greatly. I at least owe her an apology for this. The words threaten to spill before the scales on the back my neck prickle, and I dart around.
“York. Please. Take my hand. I don’t like you walking behind me.” I glimpse the area beyond my cave all the way to the mountains as best I can. I worry we are not alone. Has someone found us already? There are other camps, but I don’t want word to get around human women are being kept with Prince Korben. If we hurry back, there is a strong chance no one will see us, but that is not the only reason for my hurried pace.
Prince Korben does not have me by his side.
I have noticed the whisperings of others since the women arrived, and many are impatient for a Chosen of their own. They think about going against my Prince and assume I am not listening because I am silent. I fear someone will become impatient and take York because she is now my greatest weakness, and this gives me all the more reason to fall into my role of protecting Prince Korben. Our remaining brothers may not always listen to him, but most will listen to me. Unfortunately, it is my face and poison that allows it, but if my disease helps keep anything safe that Prince Korben holds sacred, I do not mind.
“I don’t need your hand,” York grumbles, flicking my hand away.
I am surprised by how much her rejection hurts.
“We can come back tonight if you’d like.” I trudge ahead and keep an ear out to make sure she’s still following me. She’s loud, despite having no shoes and I’m grateful humans can handle this dreary weather better than my brothers.
“I guess it depends on what Prince Korben says,” she says dismissively, bringing a frown to my face as we get closer to the lair. Glykoran’s still manning the doorway, and I hate that I’m not ready to return. It would be too easy to stay in the tiny cave, I know York
likes it, and I feel a certain amount of pride in choosing someone who enjoys the isolation and silence as much as I do.
If she still wants to be with me.
“York, please.” I stop before we reach the lair, and so does York, making sure to keep her distance. I hate that this is how things are only because I feel such a heavy servitude to Prince Korben. She must understand, I do not wish to abandon her, but I do not want to put Korben in any danger. “You must understand the debt I owe to Prince Korben. We can come back tonight. I only need to see if he’s alright.”
“I’m sure he’s fine!” She’s darting past me and storming towards Glykoran. He bobs his head at her as she goes past, and I narrow my eyes, relieved she’s out of sight for anyone sticking their spine where it doesn’t belong. I feel weak and lonely without her by my side, but I do need to check on Korben, so with a heavy heart, I trudge past Glykoran with a nod and check on my Prince.
Korben’s alone in his lair when I pat the wall to let myself known before striding inside, and he looks surprised to see me. I’m a little annoyed at this, because perhaps York was right, and I overreacted.
“I thought you were with the smart one.” Korben lifts his body from the bed and meets me at the doorway. “I did not think you would be back for a few days. I was worried I was going to have to send someone out to get you. Some of the others are getting a bit impatient about being Chosen.”
I nod. Korben knows I do not like to talk much, and for once I am happy to fall into silence as he updates me on what has been going on with the human women and our brothers. I can only half pay attention though, worried about York and if she’s gone back to the Gathering Room or our room. Ugh, it is not our room, it is mine, and I am sure York wants nothing to do with it, or me.
“Glykoran feels the rain will stop in a few more turns of the moon,” Prince Korben continues. “This will be an excellent opportunity not only for natural sun basking but for more of the women to get to know our brothers. Hujun seems to have become quite taken with the little one. I am happy.” He frowns when I do not answer him immediately; he moves back to the bed and takes a seat. “Blythe will not be around for a little while, Azan. I see you have something on your mind, so you may as well talk to me. You have a great concern weighing upon your shoulders.”