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Guarded Page 6

She seems shy, which is odd because after observing her for the past few days, I’ve noticed she’s quite mouthy and strong-willed. I know of her reputation; Korben informed me after the first day he found out she had arrived, but the strong-willed woman who tried to escape Entlas’ before and mouths off some of the others, is not the woman who sits before me.

  Perhaps I scare her.

  This is a strange feeling to swallow because there is nothing for her to fear. Well, she will fear my reaction if anyone tries to touch her without her consent. I am not sure how I would react if someone tried to take her away from me. I try to remain soft-spoken, but I’m sure I come across stoic and frightening. And though I am happy to find humans are nothing like our Sidyth females, I do not like seeing York acting so timidly around me.

  Though I suppose I can understand. If she does not know why I wear this mask, then she has every reason to be afraid.

  I settle into the grass, and we both fall into a somewhat comfortable silence as conversations between Sidyths and humans’ drone on. I cannot believe how comfortable some of my brothers are with talking to females because I feel as though drool will fall from my mouth if I try to say anything to her. It’s bad enough there’s a drop of precum on the crown of my cock, I don’t need to foam through my mask as well.

  I take a few deep breaths, remembering I am not trying to frighten her.

  “Do you want to tell me anything about yourself? You said you’re a translator?”

  Her voice is like the finest of Tezz juice at the end of a hard evening. Hard. My cock is hard. I swallow again, trying to find the words but find I am only glaring at her. Her eyes widen, and she quickly lowers her head – probably convinced she’s bothering me. It’s so difficult to speak to her and not worry about messing things up.

  And through all my obvious discomfort, she wants to talk about me being a translator?

  Doesn’t she want to talk about my mask? Why I wear it? Why I’m here? Why the others are so frightened of me?

  She is smart, so she either knows all of these things already, or she is terrified of the answers.

  She will have to learn. If she truly is aroused for me like I am for her, she will have to know everything before I will feel comfortable taking her as my Chosen. No matter how much I want her, I need her to not be afraid of me. I fear I will no longer want to exist if she does not desire me as I desire her.

  “Is there nothing else you want to ask me?” I ask her in Sidese because I want to make sure I come across clearly. I do enjoy trying to speak English, but I also enjoy knowing I am understood. I lean closer, trying to find her eyes again, but a shadow falls over us, and I lean away, angry I have been disturbed yet again.

  “Not bothering the women are you, Azan?” Dolan stands above us, enjoying one of the only moments in his existence when he can tower over me. My brother annoys me more than anything, but I would kill anyone who would mess with him. Dolan is not cruel or malicious, he is… Dolan. I do not worry about him blurting out my terrible secret. His soft, golden eyes dance across York’s strong frame, and he smirks in my direction.

  I don’t answer, not wanting York to hear how angry I am that we’ve been interrupted for the second time since coming to the surface.

  “You know,” Dolan continues, taking a seat on the grass next to York, brushing his scaleless shoulder against hers. “If you don’t want to talk to him, you don’t have to. Prince Korben’s been making a huge fuss about consent. Hujun, too. If this idiot is bothering you, get up and leave him be. He’s used to being rejected.”

  I snarl. York doesn’t move, still staring at my little brother.

  I hope she is not attracted to him, but I would not be surprised if she is.

  Dolan is like a softer version of myself, without the mask, and if York truly is attracted to me, then it would make sense for her to be attracted to Dolan. He isn’t as thick or broad, and he certainly doesn’t have my insecurities. Not to mention, he doesn’t have to cover half of his face, so others will not flee in fear.

  “Seriously, uh… woman—” Dolan continues before I can take no more.

  “York,” I snarl at my brother. “Her name is York.”

  “York?” I hate hearing her name on Dolan’s lips. I want to spar it out, so it can never enter his vocabulary again. “The smart one? This one? And yet, she sits here with you?”

  “I am smart,” York says, surprising me. “I’m smart enough to know you’re intruding on my time with Azan.”

  My eyes widen. So do Dolan’s. My Chosen is a mouthy one.

  Dolan cocks his head to the side. “Is that so? Surely you can’t be so smart that you want to hang out with him? What did Korben promise this one, Azan?” He chuckles, like blades to my ears. “They’re only humans; I’m sure he didn’t have to promise much—”

  I reach across York and land a hard spar against my brother’s jaw, sending him back with a shocked expression. Unable to help myself, I use the same arm and curl it around York’s shoulder, forcing her against my chest. Her hand brushes against my cock, and I almost spew my seed, but I keep it together, remembering that Dolan is getting on my last nerve.

  “She was not promised anything,” I snarl.

  Dolan wipes the blood away from his mouth, eyes dancing with excitement. “You mean she wants to talk to you?” He smiles. “I am happy to hear it.”

  “You have a funny way of showing it,” York says, still tucked under my arm. I’m shocked she hasn’t tried to push me away. It makes me pull her closer, resting my masked chin atop her tiny head. Her mane smells like a recent downpour. “Unless it’s Azan, you’re interested in?” She snickers as Dolan’s eyes widen in shock and disgust.

  “As a Chosen?” he manages to choke out. “My own brother? A male? You’re asking me if I’m looking to choose him?”

  York giggles. Stars and moons, it’s beautiful.

  “You’re certainly showing him a lot of attention, and you don’t seem interested in me. Perhaps you’d like him all to yourself?” She turns to look at me, playfulness in her brown eyes. “Should I leave you two alone?”

  I almost choke. “Dolan is my brother.”

  “Aren’t you all brothers?”

  “He is my blood brother,” Dolan stammers, still sputtering from my spar and York’s sass. I’m sure he never expected this from a human woman. “We share a mother. I am not interested in him in any way. I wanted to make sure he was not forcing you—”

  “No one’s forcing me to do anything at the moment,” York says, smirking. “Other than put up with your company. Honestly, I think it’s pretty obvious both of us would appreciate it if you’d leave.”


  “Consent, you said?” York smirks again. It’s my undoing. She’s teasing my little brother like he was her family already.

  I must have her. I’ve never wanted anything so badly.

  “You heard her,” I say stiffly. “It appears she does not want you around, brother.”

  This statement alone is enough to shock Dolan into standing. He plays it off well enough, glancing around the field to find another woman. His eyes land on the sprog-faced one before he turns back to me.

  “I may not be as smart as you, Azan, but I’m smart enough to know when I’m not wanted.” He reaches down and ruffles my hair as though I were a sprog, and he runs away towards the dark-haired human before I have a chance to spar him again. This time, I’m sure I’d knock him out for a few days.

  “Leave him,” York says, as though reading my mind. “Brothers are the same no matter where you are.” She laughs. “And sorry for getting all bitchy. I didn’t like the way he was talking to you… and uh… I didn’t know he was your actual brother.”

  “It is okay. Most people do not see the similarities.”

  “I know I don’t,” she says huffily.

  “Hmmm…” My lower lip juts out behind the mask. I assume she is talking about how my little brother is attractive and I am not.

a lot cuter than he is.”


  I jerk my head towards her, searching for a lie, but there is nothing but the truth to be found in her words and the way she shifts nervously under my attention. She is the most beautiful of all the women here. I am surprised that not more of my brothers are trying to court her away from me. For once, I am grateful for my intimidating stature, and the fear I can instill in others. Otherwise, I am sure Cade would be interested in York’s sandy hair and dark brown eyes. I am sure Drozass would try to take away York because she is so intelligent. And though she is small, I am sure Exer would not be able to resist trying to charm her.

  She is incredible.

  I still am not sure if I want to believe she is truly interested in me. The facts are there. I am being silly and ignoring the obvious signs, but still, I cannot believe after all this time I finally have a chance to have everything I’ve ever wanted.

  A woman of my own.

  A smart woman who does not fear me… yet.

  I have to tell her what is wrong with me before I grow any more attached to her.

  Hours pass like minutes as Hethdiss’ suns beat down on my skin, but I am not warm only because of that. I am warmed because of York’s kindness. She does not say much, but she does not have to. Every time one of my brothers shows interest in her, she politely turns them away. Every time someone thinks I am too brutish, quiet, or dangerous to have her, York reminds them that she chooses to be around me.

  She chooses to stay.

  It feels like she’s Chosen me already.

  And though I know it is odd to allow a human woman to speak for me, I enjoy it. Sidyth women are not much different than York. When they stake a claim on a male, they will kill anyone who messes with their mate. And men? We put up with it because an angered Sidyth woman is not to be messed with. I can’t help but think that many of my brothers view York in the same way. She is tiny but fierce. And despite everything, she has staked a claim on me. She speaks up when I wish to remain silent, but she talks to me when we are alone, and it’s almost impossible to catch every word as my attention drifts across the field.

  Is it possible anyone is as happy as me?

  Hujun seems to have found a likely mate with the one whose skin is very similar to Korben’s Chosen one. She is tinier than York with wild hair that she puts in braids. And my little brother, Dolan? He is certainly making a nuisance of himself by chasing around the one with a sprog’s face. Perhaps I will have a talk with him later about not coming across so desperate. He could learn a thing or two from his more charming brothers – Exer and Dash, who seem to have already picked women for their own but do not chase after them.

  Others may find possible mates, but York is the only one for me.

  “Did you hear what I said, Azan?”

  York’s voice pierces through me, and I want to openly chastise myself for becoming so lost in the movement of her lips that I didn’t catch her words. I tilt my head to the side to let her know I am paying attention now.

  She blushes and lowers her chin, speaking down into her knees. I want to hold her again. Now I do wish one of my brothers would show up, so I can stake a claim on her. When I worry she will be taken from me, I feel comfortable touching her. I do not feel worthy otherwise.

  “I was saying it’s starting to get dark.” She turns to look up at the sky, and sure enough, dark purple clouds are rolling through. Not only is night coming but rain seems likely. Perhaps I will sneak out to my cave to watch it later.

  Is there a chance York would accompany me?

  I nod at her statement, daring to inch a bit closer.

  Our time in the fields is coming to an end. Prince Korben and his Chosen have already left for the evening, and I can only imagine the mutual pleasure they are enjoying in his chamber. Oh, to have York with me. What would she say if I asked her to stay the night with me? I could give her everything. I could give her rain and sun. Night and day.

  Already, she is the reason my heart beats steadily in my chest.

  “You look like you want to say something else,” York notes, and I lift my eyes to meet her gaze. When she starts to lower her head again, I can take it no more. I want her to look me in the eyes when we speak. I need to see her eyes because though they are so different than mine, they are no less beautiful. They are more so. As carefully as I can possibly manage, I reach and grab her chin, pulling her face to mine. Her skin is warm under my scaled fingertips, making my cock twitch in excitement. She is so smooth. So soft. My thumb brushes against her chin, and she does not pull away.

  If anything, she seems to be as aroused as I am.

  We hardly notice as others start to finish their evenings to head back to their respective lairs, and the distant sound of thunder is enough to worry some of my brothers who hate the rain. But I do not mind rumble storms. I welcome rain, rumbles, and lightning, and no one is going to stop me if I want to keep York outside.

  Ugh, not keep. I must ask her. Consent.

  “Would you…” I fail to find the words at first when her eyes light up. Have I spoken so little that my voice still scares her? Or does she want to spend more time together as much as I do? I drag my thumb across the dip in her chin a few times, remembering how I caught Prince Korben kissing his Chosen. I never imagined pressing my lips against a woman’s, never imagined being able to do such a thing myself, but now York is before me and does not squirm away from my touch.

  But if I were to lean forward, there would be nothing for her to kiss but fabric.

  I’m not ready to tell her everything, but I do want to extend our time together.

  “Would you like to stay with me?” I ask, swallowing hard.

  “For how long—”

  “While the rain rolls in,” I quickly interrupt, the fastest I have ever spoken around her. I swear there’s a hint of disappointment in her eyes, but it quickly dissipates as she moves her chin away from my hand to look at the sky again.

  “It’s going to rain?” she asks.

  I nod. “Yes.”

  “But I thought you guys hated the rain?”

  I press my lips together, feeling my fangs pierce gently against my chin. It’s hard to focus. The more moments that pass by, the more thunder that rolls in, the more clouds that darken the sky, the closer I get to being alone with her.

  “Some Sidyths hate the rain,” I say in a low voice. “But some do not mind it. Some of us love it.”

  She turns towards me. “And are you one of them?”

  I nod a second time.

  Her lovely brown eyes light up. “I love the rain too! It’s one of my favorite things in the whole world.” She giggles nervously, holding her hand up to her mouth. “Damn, I sound like such a spacey idiot. Please don’t tell anyone. I swear I’m not such a girly girl, but there’s something about you that makes me…” She leans in closer, and her eyes drop to my mask.

  I know what she wants, and I know what she wants to ask me, but the question will not come. She is still too afraid of what the answer will be, and what it will mean. And why shouldn’t she be afraid? Most of my family is afraid of me. Dolan is the only one who looks at me as though I am not walking poison.

  Even though I am.

  And Sidyth women? For all their reputation about being aggressive and feared, most ran to the mountains to get away from me, so worried I would pass my disease to their sprog. I remember how Mama would shake her head when my fangs dripped. I remember how Papa would suggest I simply have my fangs removed. Yes, being fangless would make me less of a man but more likely to give him grandsprogs.

  Through all the heartache, and the loneliness, I have found a true, possible Chosen for me.

  She’s human. I have never felt so frightened of losing anything in my entire life.

  My hand snakes towards her face and curls around her hair. I tangle my fingers through the waves, enjoying how much her hair reminds me of my own. It is like the beach and the sand. I pull York closer to me, wanting her now more
than ever as the first raindrop falls from the ever-darkening sky. Our noses touch and I move my face back and forth a few times to feel her skin against mine. I inhale her scent deeply through my mask, practically licking the fabric for more. More.

  I can give her everything so long as I don’t kill her in the process.


  Her voice. I blink hard and lower my chin to her shoulder, nuzzling into her like a sprog crying against their mama. I want nothing more than to be loved by this woman. I want more than piteous looks and shameful stares. York cannot and will not belong to any of my brothers. This woman is mine. I have to convince her.

  No one can love you, Azan. Kisses mean too much to human women. I don’t want you to get hurt again.

  I take in a shuddering breath against York’s shoulder. She hasn’t moved yet, and the rain starts to come down harder on my exposed back. My woman probably has no idea what I’m doing, and yet I can’t stop holding her close to me. I want to dissolve in her. I want her to dissolve in me.

  I have to have her.

  “Azan?” Her voice is stronger and clearer this time. “It’s really starting to come down now. I love rain as much as the next person, but we should go back to the lair. Or shelter of some sort.”


  “Shelter,” I murmur, slowly pulling my head away from her shoulder. York’s cheeks are bright red. “There is shelter in my room,” I say, hoping to stars and moons that she will not reject me right away. If I could have a bit more time with her—

  “I’d love to see your room.”

  My eyes widen. My cock twitches.

  I have to resist pulling her into my arms like a sex-crazed Draken, carrying her back to my room, and violently making love to her.

  She will die.

  Not violent love, I mutter in my head, taking her hand and pulling her to her feet as the rain pours against her tiny top. Pink nipples appear, and I am more grateful for the rain than ever as she huddles against me, burrowing into my chest for warmth and protection. My cock swells with excitement.

  No. Not yet. Too soon.
