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  • Never Blamed: A Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Chosen Narratives Book 1)

Never Blamed: A Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Chosen Narratives Book 1) Read online

  Never Blamed

  Chosen Narratives

  Book One

  My only focus is staying alive.

  But is it living when life feels empty?

  Sabrina Kade




  Copyright ©2018 by Sabrina Kade


  Cover Illustration by Rebeca Covers

  Typography & formatting by Sabrina Kade

  Editing services provided by Moonlight Proofreading

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copyright holder.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.










  Author Notes – Sabrina Kade

  I’m first human woman Chosen by an influential Sidyth.

  This is my story.


  “Out of my way, filth.”

  I narrow my eyes trying not to let the words bother me. After a few months living on Sidetha, the supposed fatherland, I’ve learned my place. Humans are no longer at the top. We’re pretty damn near close to the bottom. My clothing allows that much to be clear. Even though most of the Sidyths walking around wear elaborate garments constructed of metal reminding me of something from Victorian pictures in high school textbooks, I’m in a simple white top and tiny pleated skirt. Most Sidyths ignore me, and I’m happy about that. Some take the opportunity to bark out how they feel about me, or humans in general. I know I’m to never to argue with a Sidyth if I want to live another day.

  And believe me, despite being abducted from home and living on this terrible planet, I want to live.

  My name is Hollis Blane, and I’m twenty-two years old. I haven’t been on Earth in about three years. I’ve read the books growing up about being abducted by aliens, but I never imagined something so incredible happening to me. One minute, I’m walking to my night class at the University of Pittsburgh, and the next I’m staring up at some fucking beam like I’ve stumbled into the New Year’s Eve marathon of The Twilight Zone.

  I wish I had something more interesting to say about the abduction itself, but it’s nothing too glamorous or exciting like the shows and books describe it. I was merely thrown into a cage, forced to piss and shit in a corner for a few days, and stripped of all my clothes. Not to mention my dignity.

  After a few beautiful days of isolation, I was informed by some awful looking creature that looked like an upright toad, that I was being shipped to a planet called Sidetha, but I was only to call it the fatherland. The people of this planet had become very interested in hiring humans as slaves and servants.

  Humans cheap, yes. He gurgled out to me. Work well for Sidyths and Todas.

  Then he muttered something about looking to find a stealthier way to bring humans away from Earth, but for now, old-school abduction was the way to go.

  Another few days passed, but eventually, I arrived on Sidetha – err, the fatherland.

  I suppose the planet itself is nice enough. It’s sunny without much rain. The ground is mostly composed of sand, but the color isn’t ever quite right to me. It has a pinkish tint to it. And I haven’t seen much plant or animal life since arriving. I guess it sort of makes sense because it’s not like downtown Pittsburgh is crawling with bears and cougars, but there’s usually a few squirrels and deer. And it’s hot here. Really hot. Almost all of the time. Sidyths continuously complain about it being chilly, but it’s always sweltering to me.

  My owner’s name is Sohmac Tendalson, but he says I can call him Soh. He’s never told me his age, but he looks like he’s in his mid-sixties, or at least as far as age goes for Sidyths. He’s also almost seven feet tall and muscular. His body doesn’t match his face, but maybe that’s for the best. He’s covered in scales, and the color of his skin reminds me of a vampire’s in a teen movie. Most of the aliens here look like him. Sidyths are humanoid looking enough, but they certainly don’t treat humans as equals. Despite Soh’s kind enough looking golden eyes, he made his intent clear from the start.

  I am his property. I am his slave. And unless I do as he says, he will send me away.

  And the next place I go may not be as patient with my insubordination as he is.

  For almost a week, I tried to fight him. I remember how much I screamed at the top of my lungs and how much I cried myself to sleep. I remember when Soh was patient to help me understand my new place in the universe.

  I remember when he wasn’t in the mood to be patient. It was in those moments that I began to change.

  Plus, there was the lovely and constant reminders that there was nothing I could do to get back home again unless I somehow took over a spaceship and flew home.

  And so, as the weeks passed, I started to comply. Back home, I always considered myself kind of a smartass. I think I’m good looking enough, but I didn’t take anything pretty that tossed me kind words. But Soh rarely threw me kind words unless I behaved. And as much as I wanted to scream and shout that I deserved better treatment, I also found something I wanted more.

  To live.

  And so, I started playing by Soh’s rules. I lied and said they were my own.

  Unlike so many other humans I see walking around, Soh doesn’t make me wear a leash. He doesn’t collar me, and he doesn’t make me walk around naked. And though he’s used me for pleasure, it’s not painful. I think Soh is just a lonely old man who wants to give head occasionally. Best of all though, Soh taught me how to speak Sidese. Which is impressive considering there’s no way I would be allowed into the market to pick up his supplies. With Sidese on my tongue, I have a voice.

  It’s not much, I know, but considering I was abducted by aliens and brought to a planet full of seven-foot-tall snake looking dudes? I’m better off than most.

  The market in the town square is bustling, as usual, male Sidyths running most of the shops, with females either holding a baby to their breast or searching for potential mates around the sandy streets. Most of the women eye me warily. They know who I am - one isn’t an uncollar-ed human without getting noticed, and they fear me slightly. They see me as something close to a lost, horny puppy. They’re worried I’m going to hump the leg of one of their men and they’ll be helpless to my feminine wiles.

  That’s never happened before.

  Sidyth may males want to pleasure female humans, but they sure as shit don’t want to Choose one as a mate. Choosing is considered a great honor amongst the Sidyths, and though I don’t quite understand all the details, I’m nervous because I hear whisperings about the supposed ‘courting’ process.

  A woman wants man. Man tries to resist. The woman either squeezes the man until he passes out and this is considered a victory. Or the man escapes, and the woman may be punished in something called the grounds.

  No. I can honestly say that I’m not interested in having a male Sidyth Choose me. And I certainly don’t want to be seen as a competitor for a male Sidyth�
�s attention.

  “You. Where is your owner?” one of the women hisses out while cupping an infant to her small, muscular looking breast. Her almond-shaped eyes remind me of a cat’s, especially under the blazing sun. “You shouldn’t be out roaming without a collar, filth.”

  The tips of my ears grow hot, but I don’t argue with her. Sidyth women are still over a foot taller than me with muscles that are like a pro-wrestler’s. One strike to the head and I’d probably have to spend a week at the human infirmary. And Soh might think I’m troublesome. So, I merely lower my head, a sign of respect and nod.

  “Sohmac Tendalson is my owner. He has allowed me the gracious honor to go to the market by myself and pick up the items needed for his feed tonight.” I speak low, but in clear Sidese, and as the woman’s feet shuffle slightly, I know she is impressed. Carefully, I lift my head to meet her light golden eyes that are narrowed with skepticism.

  “You speak well,” she can’t help noting, adjusting her child to her other breast.

  I can’t help but wonder if there’s even anything in those tight pecs. “Thank you.”

  She makes a low hissing sound in her throat but surprisingly doesn’t hit me. I straighten up fully, taking her in. I’m guessing she’s around six and a half feet tall, give or take an inch, clocking her in at well over a foot taller than me. She’s also well dressed. A beautiful golden looking Victorian garment with a metal pleated mini-skirt, and a matching top that could only be described as a corset. It’s folded down beneath her exposed breasts, and though she’s topless, she’s no less intimidating. No one bats an eye at this. I’m a little jealous of her clothing despite the alienness of it.

  Her clothing tells the world she’s wealthy. She’s important.

  My clothing tells the world I’m poor. My body is not worth covering.

  “You are available for hire, yes?” she asks next. When my eyes widen in surprise, her frown deepens. She almost looks uncomfortable to converse with something her people consider stupid. “It is rare to find humans who can speak Sidese so fluently.” Her golden eyes dip up and down my frame, judging. “You’re a bit of a mite, but I think you would be able to handle this one, yes?” She juggles the infant away from her breast. He (or she) must already be close to forty pounds.

  Infant, indeed.

  “I’m afraid that wouldn’t be possible—”

  “Who did you say your master is again?” she interrupts, seizing my arm as though intending to drag me from the market. My cheeks grow hot with embarrassment at how easily she’s able to pull me along, and I try to drag my heels. “I believe my family is familiar with the Tendalson name.”

  “I’m not for hire.” I start to panic as the woman easily lifts me off my feet.

  I’m about to scream when a substantial body bumps into all three of us, and I’m airborne briefly before crashing down heavily to the ground with a thud.

  “What in the name of the Father?” the woman bellows, cupping her child close and momentarily forgetting about me. This gives me just enough time to stumble away, putting the distance between us I need to run.

  Except now there’s a male Sidyth standing before me, breathing hard and looking behind him. When our eyes meet, he cocks his head to the side and, for a moment, I swear he’s removing my clothes with his gaze. Wait, what am I talking about? He’s a Sidyth! I’m a human. They don’t even see us as—

  “Look out!” he bellows just before a second body crashes into me.

  This time I land flat on my face. I hear the bones in my nose groan in protest and blood gushes from the spot, not that anyone cares. The woman with the infant is still bitching about manners and, annoyed at this, I react stupidly and kick out the legs of the second Sidyth who’s knocked me over.

  It’s a fucking foolish mistake.

  I hear another feminine voice hiss in surprise and a considerable body land beside me.

  The male Sidyth remains standing as the scene unfolds. I cough loudly, cradling my nose, but hardly surprised that a massive puddle of blood forms immediately in my palm. The male crouches down, taking my hand away from my nose.

  “You can go now,” he hisses.

  I flinch, and I feel him shift.

  “I am not speaking to you, human. You. You can go.”

  I try to sneak a look through my eyelashes, no less comforted by the sight above me. He’s a male Sidyth alright. He has deep golden eyes and scales lined heavily across his cheekbones. I swallow hard as he inspects my hand and nose, and the woman with a child huffs and storms away. I guess he’s powerful enough to get a woman to move away from him. Or maybe she’s afraid of being reported. As for the other woman, I can still hear her snarling behind me, and I dare to turn away to see what’s going on, but the male Sidyth keeps my face painfully cupped in his grasp, forcing my eyes back to his.

  “Human, yes?” he says in a low voice. I nod, frozen under his gaze. “Are you alright?” A smirk crosses his face, and I’m met with four sharp canines. “That seems like a silly question. You are covered in blood. Of course, you are not alright.”

  I keep my lips locked together. Male. Sidyth. I know how to handle these types. Especially ones who look wealthy and this one certainly looks powerful. His pale hair is slicked back against his head, and I notice there are several pieces of metal pierced through his pointed ears. It’s a sign of wealth, and I see… many… many… piercings in those ears. I swallow hard and quickly lower my gaze.

  “Ahhh… you do not speak my language,” the male Sidyth continues.

  “Chimase Etansyl, get away from that thing. It is not yours. You don’t know where it’s been.”

  I swallow hard, hearing the second female speak. She’s standing now, dangerously close to where I’m still sniffing away the blood in my nose, but I can’t bring myself to turn around. I’m terrified because I tripped her, and she may be upset about this. Plus, the male Sidyth has my face so tightly in his dominant hand that I couldn’t move even if I wanted to.

  “Give me a moment, Vydeka,” the male rumbles. “You have gone too far. Chasing down males in the marketplace. Now you’ve gone and hurt someone.”

  The woman – Vydeka – scoffs. “That is not someone. That is a slave. Human. I believe that is Sohmac’s plaything.” Something sharp nudges me in the back. “Go on now, filth. Get home.”

  I start to move, but the male keeps me in place.

  “She is bleeding,” he grumbles. “She cannot understand you, Vydeka. You are too persistent. Consider this chase done for the day.”


  “I am done,” the male – Chimase – finishes with a low hiss. “Go now, and I will not report this harassment.”

  There’s another hiss. “You wouldn’t dare. You are not like them—”

  “So, do not tempt me to be. Now, if you don’t mind, I’d like to lead this one back to its master. A difficult task considering she does not speak Sidese.”

  “Humans are inferior beings, yes?”

  My cheeks grow hot as the two continue to argue as though I’m not even there. Just a few years ago I would have led this conversation. And now I’m spoken around as though I’m nothing more than a child, or worse, a dog.

  “That is not her fault, Vydeka.”

  “Excuse me,” I start, but the woman speaks over me.

  “Nor is it yours!”

  “I can speak Sidese,” I shout when I can no longer take their arguing.

  The two of them fall silent. The male – Chimase’s – hand stiffens against my face and falls to his lap. When I dare to lift my head, he’s cocking his head to the side and flicking his attention up to the woman – Vydeka.

  “So, she knows a few catchphrases,” Vydeka says. “I bet all humans have been taught a few. Yes. Me so good. Do you like that? Yes, yes—”

  “I can assure you I speak fluent Sidese.” I’m taking a huge risk by speaking so well to a Sidyth female, but I can’t take any more of this awkward conversation. I want to get the rest of So
h’s groceries and go home. I’m sure he plans to spread me on the table afterward, and though I’m not as much looking forward to that part, I long to go home and get away from this horny woman, and the spoiled male who thinks I’m nothing more than a dumb dog.

  I clutch my nose and start to stand, and the male Sidyth braces my elbow to help me up. I don’t dare jerk away from his touch, but the female hisses under her breath.

  “Stop touching her,” she hisses. “I do not like it.”

  “I am not yours to command, Vy,” the male says.

  “Because you keep running.”

  “Because I am not yet interested in Choosing a mate.” He shakes his head, lowering himself to try and find my eyes, but I refuse to make eye contact. As soon as he lets me go, I can run, but if I do so beforehand, it would be viewed as a sign of aggression or bad training.

  I don’t want Soh to ever find out about this interaction. He’s only kind to me so long as I give him a good reputation. Tripping a rutting female Sidyth would not be part of what he would consider a ‘good reputation.’

  “I see the way you look at me,” Vydeka continues. “We’ve mated.”

  “I’ve mated with others.”

  She hisses again, all but snarling. I feel the male’s attention on me, and I start to grow frightened. Why hasn’t he let me go yet? Does he think I need to be punished? Does he intend to take me back to Soh?

  “I need to go home,” I say quietly, looking up at the male. “If you don’t mind.”

  “We don’t mind,” Vydeka says. “Go now.”

  I wait for the male’s hand to lift, but it squeezes mine more tightly. It’s borderline painful, but of course, I don’t dare say that out loud.

  “Please,” I say again. “My… Soh.”

  “Let her go, Chimase,” Vydeka snarls.

  “You are not my Chosen. And this one. She is hurt. I will return her to her master and offer to pay the medical charge.”